My baby girl is 8 months old today!! We love this little thang. She has a very different personality than Tay, so it's fun to see both of them. Here's some things about her...
*She LOVES food. But, now that I've given her 'big people food' she won't hardly touch the baby food. I guess I don't blame her. In fact, today for lunch she ate a whole bowl of Ramen. ha
*She can get pretty much anywhere she wants to go by doing this funny worm thing.
*She's super tough. When we got her shots I was watching her face and holding her, and the nurse started putting the band-aid on. I was really confused why she was putting it on before she even gave her the shot. But, she was actually already done and Ellie didn't seem to care one bit. That was awesome. Also, she gets beat up by Tay all the time. I mean, Tay plays with Ellie all the time, and sometimes it turns rough. ha. Tay grabs her by the stomach and rolls all over the floor with her. Sometimes Tay's on the bottom and sometimes Ellie is. She thinks it's funny. Whatever.
*Will NOT sleep anywhere but her bed and her room. Sometimes she'll sleep in another crib, but only if she's exhausted. She will not sleep at church, in the car, or pretty much anywhere else. But, she is generally happy to be awake. She will hardly make a peep all 3 hours of church, but she'll be sooo tired.
*She sleeps great in her bed. Still taking 3 naps (most of the time, if we're home for them). Sometimes sleeping through the night. This is about to end, though. I'm just not going in there anymore. Poor thing is just going to have to cry!:(
*Is generally a very happy baby, smiling at everyone. But, I'm pretty sure she's teething right now, which must be a very serious thing, because this girl is hard to crack these days.
*Is a HUGE mama's girl!! She follows me everywhere I go. Even if Eric's holding her and I walk out of the room she cries. This is a love/hate thing for me. It makes me feel good sometimes, and other times I can't get anything done unless I just let her cry. She even wants to sit on my lap and play with her toys, she does not want to play alone. Tay was definitely a daddy's girl, so this is fun for me!
*LOVES to be held. Tay always wanted down and to move around, but Ellie wants to be held and just watch.
*No teeth yet.
*Still nurses. She won't take formula, so we'll apparently be nursing until she's 1, which is just fine with me.
*Doesn't really love the car. Tends to get pretty fussy in there. I think this will change when we can turn her seat around and her and Tay can play together. At least here's to hoping:)
*LOVES, loves Tay. Every morning when I get her up she is looking around everywhere for Tay. They are soo cute together.
She has such a sweet temperment, we absolutely love her and could not ask for a better baby!!