Here's the story of Miss Ellie...
I went into the hospital at 6AM on Friday May 28th. I had to get antibiotics for the Group B Strep. I got the antibiotics until 10:30. Then they started the pitocin at the lowest level ever! It was ridiculous. It was totally the same. Nothing changed. I guess my Dr. was at another hospital and wouldn't be able to be there until after lunch, so they were just stretching it out. Dumb, dumb. Anyway, once they got ahold of the dr. and he said he was available, they came in and checked me, and broke my water. I was dialated to a 5. About 20 minutes later I got my epidural. It took about 20 minutes to get it all in, and then at least another 20 minutes until I felt anything from it. I was actually in a ton of pain. A lot of the family was in there with me. I was trying to talk and laugh, but I was hurting a lot. So, they left. I just started crying. The dumb epidural was NOT working!! So, I had Eric go out and get the nurse. She came in and checked me, and kinda freaked out. She said I was dialated to a 10 and the baby's head was right there! She said I needed to hold on because the dr. was like 15 minutes away. I had gone from a 5 to a 10 in about 45 minutes. It was totally intense. Then the dr. came...finally.:) I pushed 3 times and she was here! It was amazing to see her sweet face. I loved it!
I feel sooo blessed to have a healthy, wonderful baby. It's sooo crazy to be the mom of TWO children. Holy moly. We have some adjusting to do, but I'm excited to do it. My sister, Hannah, was here helping for a couple days. Then my mother-in-law came and brought Tay with her. She stayed for 3 days with me. It was SO, SO nice to have so much help. She left this morning, and it's been going really well. I know there will be ups and downs, but I'm excited to have our little family. I love them!:)
Beautiful Baby! What more can be said? :-)
Yay! What cute little pictures. I can totally relate to your labor story, that is how Sareny's went, and it was painful! anyway, I'm glad everything went well and your little sweetheart is here. Can't wait to see her!
SO happy! I'm not surprised that you had such a fast (albeit painful) labor. She is an angel! Can't wait to see you all!
Congratulations! Ellie is beautiful. Your family picture is wonderful! Bree, you totally do not look like you just had a baby. You look like a supermodel!
I'm so happy for you guys. Life with two little girls is so fun! congrats, again. :)
Exciting!! I am glad that things went well and Ellie is healthy! I am sorry the pain came on so quick no adjustment time is horrible! I am glad that you were able to have some great help around too! Tay is a doll! I am glad she loves ellie so much. So so sweet!
Oh look at you just blogging away! Good job sista! Oh P.S. Sareny that name is really close to mine.
Congrats! I love reading birth stories! Sounds like everything went well for you. She's beautiful!!
Wow! Congrats to the both of you. Good luck with the adjustment - looks/sounds like you're going to do fine. You look great for about to having a baby - and just having one. What a joy.
This post is appreciated!!! I am sorry you had to cut into your nap time for it!!! LOVE YOU!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you. She's gorgeous.
Thanks for the post, sis. I wish I could have been around. Can't wait to see her (and you folks)!
Both of you look so beautiful!! I can' wait to meet her. Miss you guys <3
What a cute cute family! Ellie is a beautiful addition. I'm glad you posted about the delivery and arrival. So good to get the updates and see you are doing so well!
Congrats! Another sweet little girl! She is so perfect and adorable and you are the most beautiful Momma! I'm so happy for you!
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