Well, I am so excited to write this post about my new favorite person! A big fat welcome to Taylor Layne Nelson. My delivery was awesome. They called me at 10:40 on Monday (the 5th) to see if I could come in to be induced at 11! I was ecstatic!! So, Eric and I rushed over there. They did all their questioning and finally got me started at 12:30.
They gave me pitocin and broke my water at the same time. Soon after the contractions started coming really strong. I was trying to wait to get my epidural, but like an hour into that and I wanted it. The epidural went well. He ran into my nerve a couple of times, which feels like when you hit your funny bone. Other than that, the epidural was not bad at all. In fact, it was awesome!! As soon as the medicine hit me, the contractions stopped hurting, and I was warm and comfy. My family and Eric's family came over to hang out with us. We just hung around and chatted for awhile. Then the nurse came in to check on me about 4. She checked me and said that I needed to push. WHAT?!? Was I ready for this? That's when I got nervous. But, after about 30-40 minutes of pushing she was here!
She was born at 4:43, and weighed 8lbs 3oz and was 19 in. long. She cried for a little bit, then was totally mellow the rest of the time. She was wide awake for everyone to see her. She is a great baby, very very calm. We just looked at baby pictures of Eric, and decided that she mostly looks like him.
Everything's been going really well. We just LOVE her. Her cheeks are so my favorite. Anyway, you're all welcome to visit sometime.
It's A Thing
1 day ago
Let's get this right, his eyes (and scowl) and your lips! Tell Mimi to bust out your baby pics!!! We want to see!
We love her so much!!! Oli talked about her half the way home!
CUTIE!! I luff her. She's so sweet! :D And you need to scan in those pics of you (when you get them) and Eric so everyone can see. :)
Me loves those cheeks. I see a lot of Bree in there too. I hope she looks like Bree and has that mellow temprament of Eric's.
Beautiful little girl.
I love the little dresses! AND the pic of you two sleeping is so cute. Let us know when you bless her!
So sweet!! I love seeing Eric with her sleeping on him. Its fun to see him get to be a daddy! Hope you had a wonderful first Mother's Day. I can't wait to see her, she is beautiful.
aw i love chubby babies! congrats!
she is so so pretty!
I need to eat her immediately. Oh and Happy First Mother's Day! (a day late) Let us know when you're blessing her as well, we may have to come up!
What a darling! She is so cute!! Am I to understand you were really only in labor for a little over 4 hours?? Seriously? You are my hero!
Wahoo! Congratulations! She is so cute...she really does have cute cheeks! Glad to hear you labor went so well, and fast too! Hope all is well and that you are recovering quickly.
she is so so cute! i cant wait to meet her in person. i love the picture of you guys sleeping and the picture of eric reading with her. have fun with motherhood!
She's beautiful! I love the cheeks too. Congrats!
I have been watching the video Eric made just after she was born...and couldn't wait to see it a second time today so I could see her again. She is so beautiful. What a mellow little doll baby. I couldn't believe how at home she seemed in the world. Of course, never having seen a Bree baby picture, to me it's like deja-vu Eric Taylor Nelson. I love her wide open eyes, that she grabbed on to Eric's finger the mlli-second he put it in her hand. Sigh...I'm completely in love with baby Taylor.
Taylor is sooo beautiful! What a cutie! You guys look like pros already!
I can't wait to be a mom!!!!!!!! I want to be you when I grow up! Wait how does that work when you are younger than me? Meh it just works ok!
Oh and Taylor is gonna be so cute in the Nelson Family Calendar. WooWoot!
Congratulations for her finally being here for all of us to love her for ever!
Congratulations Eric & Bree! She's adorable!
Congratulations, Bree and Eric! I am so happy for you guys. I definitely need to come visit to see your beautiful little girl.
Oh she is so stinkin cute i want to see more!!!
WOWWWWW!! I loved reading your story and seeing your darling little Taylor Lane! By the way I must say, what a cute name!
Thank you so much for coming over the other day. I love you so much bree! So fun to hang out with.
oh, that little taylor. what a doll. You look SO GOOD. Just perfectly beautiful.
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