Remember now?
Lookin a little fishy there Coperno, got some lies cookin behind those shifty eyes?
Anyway, he had a lot of fanciful theorys and wore fanciful tights. His lies about the universe sounded really good but were nothing more than a little fuzzy puffy ball with perfume smells and little litter things. Something about the Earth revolving around a big ball of fire that he so conveniently called the sun. Yackity Shmackity blah blah blah... looked something like this;
His daughter thought it looked better like this;
I agree.
"Oooh the center has to be HOT the center has to be HOT and I run around with wimpy tights like a skinny little fairy boy!" -Copernicus-
That's only because back in his day he'd never experienced one of these guys;
"Brain Freeze!"
This guy will stimulate your mind to a whole new reality and mental awareness. You can literally feel your brain thinking about the coldness; hurts like hell frozen over! Where's the heat now Copernicus? Maybe it wasn't his fault he never had the opportunity, because for a thousand years or so the Polish lost the recipe for ice. This was known as the dark ages and consequently everyone was mad as heck. Check it out;
"Cut this cursed warm brain out PLEASE"! -Knight-
We are more fortunate thank goodness. So the next time you enjoy a "Brain Freeze" few in the world's history have ever enjoyed; ponder the truth that I have come to know and join with me as I say;