So I'm driving around looking at some properties in Draper and I come up on this firestation that's missing like half of the roof. Turns out it burned down! The secretary said the firefighters were getting sick of always having to answer questions from news reporters at the scene of fires and in a last effort attempt to secure some peace and quiet they came back from a routein run and tortched the place.
To their utter dismay a bunch of news teams swarmed in and they spent the next couple hours answering questions. The thought process that led these firefighters to do the unthinkable seems to stem from a new air born japanese subway virus that makes the brain rationalize in opposites! They suspect this is what let Brittney Spears to shave her head in a desperate effort to turn the paparazzi's attention away from herself.
1 week ago
WHAT!!! Nice soundtrack to your movie.
My thoughts! You should enter that into a film festival. Very dramatic. It is too bad that the firefighters didn't shave their heads and Brittany burn herself down.
Too bad you didn't shave your head E, and then britney could set fire to the firemen in her house...with that soundtrack of course.
of course.
I love the fading into the clouds with the appropriate music playin in the back. Very deep.
All I have to say is that you are freakin' pimp! I don't know whow why you didn't go into the film business! Hey, who sings that song...I remember listening to it when you would have to drive me around before I got my license!
The song is by "90 foot Jesus". What!
Did you know that the statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (called the Statue of Christ the Redeemer) is acutally 2329.3963408333334 feet tall or 710 meters?
I hope you googled that! If not, you wealth of useless facts are pretty impressive.
pretty sure that includes the mountain it's standing on.
yes - 38 meters is the statue height or 124.67191601049867 feet. STILL bigger than 90 feet.
Ok, everyone else updated the blog. I know you guys aren't THAT busy! Put a picture of Bree's hair to music or something dramatic like that!
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