Sunday, April 22, 2007

America's Next Top "Lame Show"

So I’m watching the show America’s Next Top Model the other day; what a freekin joke! I bet you anything this all started with some producer guy who told his friend, “Man models are so lame, they’ll do anything just to get the job no matter how stupid, and what’s even worse, they’ll be totally serious!” BAM … new show!

The whole point of the show I think is to make these girls look as stupid as they can, then slam em down when they don’t pull it off (if such a thing can realistically be pulled off). Take for example the “Drowned Rat” photo shoot. “I’m sorry Cassandra, I just don’t know what to tell you! When you were trying to portray that drowning rat I just… (breathing in through teeth) didn’t feel it. I didn’t believe you were actually drowning in the sewer… I’m sorry, you won’t be America’s Next Top Model. (sad music) Take your things and leave please.” (Somber music, girl exits while sobbing).

I guarantee Tyra Banks is busting up laughing as the girls are going all out on these retarded shoots. I think the comments from the girls are just as ridiculous. “Well Brittany, you’ve just finished your “Birthing Rhino” shoot…” “Uh huh.” “And Brittney I have to be honest…. (long pause with tense music) … You Nailed It!!!!” (girl screams for joy) “So how did you do it?” “Well I was just thinking to myself if I was a rhinoceros in labor, like how would I feel, or more importantly… how would I look? So I just acted like it was real and I guess I pulled it off! Yeeee! Sorry, ha, ha. I’m just soooo happy!”

Gay! Gay! Gay!

One thing I have to admit though, this Jaslene girl knocked the “Laser Beam” shoot right out of the park! Is she a girl or is she a green lasar? I can’t tell! Dang she’s good! Pffft.


-KJ said...

I can never remember when this show comes on, but when I watch it I always laugh my head off. I don't know what is better, the photo shoots or seeing what Tyra is going to wear to the photo review!

Bree :--) said...

Or how about that guy, or wait, is it a girl...the black heshe that wears those HUGE nastayyy flowers in his hair. One time I was watching it and it was a swimsuit shot, and he seriously came out in a girls one piece--it was AWESOME! Too bad sometimes I actually like it...I cannot lie!

Lyd said...

What ever! I will admit that this season sucks, but the last few seasons have been really good! I would watch it with my roommies and we love it! They really do take some awesome shots. No lie. And I will say that I do love Jay. He may be gay, but he is so cute (with the exception of his white hair.) I don't care what you guys say!

Eliza said...

Bree are you talking about the guy/girl who teaches them how to walk? He cracks me up...oh and what about the shoot where they rapped the girls head in wire?!!! What the!!! I see it on, watch a few minutes and then can't handle it anymore. Too many other good shows on like Little People, Big World.

-KJ said...

Liza, that show is cute, but they compared it to the Cosby's! What? No way.
I like Jay too. He is good on Style Her Famous. His hair is "silver" by the way. I would like him dark, but that is supposed to be his signature or whatever.

Lyd said...

True. Who the crap has silver hair anyway. I guess that's why it's his signiture!

Mandy said...

ill admit, i watch this too as well, mostly because we dont have cable and there really isnt wnaything else on wed. night at that time. it is pretty pathetic though

Eliza said...

KJ - I'm sure they aren't saying it is like the Cosby's it problably has the same following and popularity.

Yeah what is with the silver hair?

Bree :--) said...

Good, I wasn't the only one mad about the Cosby comment. I thought that was taking it too far! I guess the show's ok, I've only watched Little People, Big World like'll do.

Alli Easley said...

I love this show. I ti-vo it so we can watch it with slurpees when the kids go to bed! So good!

Alli Easley said...

oh and I'm in love with the "Roloff's" aka the midgets.

Little E said...

Alright, alright. I guess if you're a girl you might like this show because dressing up like a "sexy lion" and standing on an old farm truck in front of a camera is really cool.

This blog is more meant for the guys to read, ha, ha.

-KJ said...

So, what, do you want all the guys to comment on when they have to do the nude shoot? Then you want them to rip on the few girls who won't do it because they have morals? I keed. I know you just like to look at girls who look "fierce".

Eliza said...

happy graduation bree!!!!

R. A. L. III. said...

Man is this the place to find a Nelson or what! How is it going my friend? I haven’t seen you in a while…as to be expected, you get married and fall off the singles map. I do however see Ryan allot we were just down in California where he met a girl who was hitting on him named Sugar! Oh yeaa!

liufamily said...

Hey Bree Congrats!!! Yea for you! Now when are you guys going to have a kid? And the only thing I can ever think about when I see Tyra, is that she puts vasoline on her face at night. Have you ever tried that, and then actually tried to put your head on a pillow? And if you aren't wearing a doo-rag on your head, yuck hair stuck to your face. Yes I am a dork for trying it, but she doesn't have wrinkles. I think thats because only white people get wrinkles when they are 30!!!!

-KJ said...

Stacey Eaton (Stuki) puts Vasoline on her face at night. Ask her how it's done!!! I will be thanking the medical community in a few years when get tons of wrinkles. Thank you Noma for the soft wrinkly Nelson skin!